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JTOP & Mitsubishi to collaborate with BGMEA for RMG sustainability

Posted On: 17 Mar 2024By: Admin

During the meeting, JTOP and MURC seek a partnership with BGMEA to promote environmental sustainability in the apparel industry of Bangladesh.

The conversation covered relevant topics such as wastewater regulations, the prevailing conditions within the textile industry, installation of wastewater treatment facilities in factories, the imperative for water recycling, concerns regarding land subsidence and others relevant topics.

The state-of-the-art wastewater treatment technologies from JTOP were thoroughly reviewed, focusing on how their recyclable and affordable solutions may potentially reduce the environmental pollution generated by textile and dyeing facilities.

The delegation was led by Jiichi Nakaki from JTOP, Shoji Kita and Yasuko Hashimoto from MURC.

Faruque Hassan underscored Bangladesh's commitment to advancing environmental sustainability within the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) sector.

He gave the guest delegation an update on the RMG sector's continuous initiatives to advance sustainability, which include circularity and adherence to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria throughout the production process.

In order to promote a more environmentally friendly and sustainably managed garment sector in Bangladesh, he stated that BGMEA is open to any partnerships and initiatives.

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